Thursday, December 16, 2021

Murder of Jacob Redmon

 17-year-old Jacob Redmon and his stepfather 35-year-old William "Harry" Harrison Johnson did not get along. Harry was known as being mean and had gotten in numerous fights and that did not exclude Jacob. Harry had threatened Jacob several times and told him to leave the house. In early December Harry would tell Jake he would kill him because he found Jake told the Saloon not to sell him any more alcohol.

 He would tell Jacob that if he did not leave he would kill him. And on December 17, 1875, those words became true. That evening Jacob went to their home in Paris, Illinois and Harry was not happy to see him. Harry would grab whisky from the cupboard and would go straight to his room to get the large colt revolver that he'd only had for two weeks. 

Jake was standing near the stove and his two little siblings and mother were also in the room. Harry would come to the room."Jake, I'll shoot your God damned heart out." Harry would point the gun at his stepson. This was when Harry would shoot Jake. The bullet would go through the collarbone.

Harry would immediately try to regret what he did. He would immediately tell Jake that he did not mean to shoot him. Jake did not believe him and would respond with "Yes you did. You did this on purpose." They would bring him to a bed. Jake's mom would go and get help leaving him with Harry. When she was gone Harry would go to the shed and hide the gun in some ashes. On the way out Harry would step on Jake's hand.

Jake was still alive when help came. He would repeatedly tell the physician that Harry shot him on purpose. That it was no accident like Harry was pretending. An Officer would soon show up and Harry would be arrested. Jake would soon die from his wound.

At the trial, Harry claimed he was not sane because of the effects of alcohol. He also claimed he only got the gun out to see if it was in working order. He also claimed that he had no issues with Jake, but at trial, several people contradicted this. Harry would be found guilty was set to be executed.

 On June 23, 1867, he was executed. At the gallows, he still claimed that the murder was an accident, and he was innocent of the crime.


Legal Executions in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, and Missouri Pg 6

St. Louis Globe-Democrat June 24, 1867

Chicago Tribune June 24, 1867

The Andrew County Republican June 29, 1867

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