Friday, April 26, 2024

INFANTICIDE: April 27, 1958 Long Beach, California Baby Jane Doe

 On April 27, 1958, a newborn girl was found washed ashore in th Alamitos Bay in Long Beach, California.

Jane Doe was 1'3" to 1'6" and 7 lbs. She was wrapped in a woman's long housecoat size 38-40, it was in a duster-style and lightweight. The housecoat was faded with red piping on the collar. It opens from the neckline to the waist and is fastened with two buttons. The brand was Charmode which was sold at Sears Roebuck & Co.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

INFANTICIDE: April 24, 1924 Roker Beach, England Baby John Doe

On April 24, 1924, the body of a newborn baby boy was found on Roker Beach near Sunderland, England. The infant was burned, had a fractured elbow and a scalp wound. It's believed that right after birth the infant was placed in a fire and burned to death.

Unsolved Murders UK

Monday, April 22, 2024

GHOSTS: The Gelin


The Gelin (meaning Bride in Turkish) is a female demon or ghost in Turkish and Anatolian Greek folklore. More than likely hear stories in Heybeliada from Prince Islands about them. She is often seen as a beautiful young woman wearing a white wedding dress. Many of them become Gelin due to tragedy. Like being betrayed by a husband or fiance or being unmarried and pregnant. They usually die brutally typically by suicide.

These women are typically a harbinger of death similar to a banshee. She can sometimes haunt a family line or sometimes she rides a white horse in a graveyard. In the graveyard, she attracts men and kills them if they make contact.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: November 29, 1985 Conroe, Texas Doe

 On November 29, 1985, a man fishing in Rish Creek in Conroe Texas would snare a skull with his fishing pole. It is suspected that the skull was a war trophy from WWII as there were faint scribblings on WWII, the Japanese, and the date April 22, 1942.

Doe Network
Unidentified Wiki

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

Murder of William Ewart Bamford

On April 20, 1912, 26-year-old William Bamford was in Manchester, England. Around 11:30 pm he returned to his home in Hare Place, Rochdale in a taxi bleeding from his face. He at first wouldn't admit what had happened, but would later admit he had been attacked in Manchester.

 He was sent to the Rochdale Infirmary for his injuries, but released. However, due to his injuries, he was admitted to the Dearnley Workhouse Infirmary on September 27, 1913. He would never leave and on February 4, 1914, he would pass.

During his post-mortem, it was found that there was evidence of an operation on him. That there were holes in the vault where his brain mass was protruding. In larger pieces of the brain, there was an abscess. The abcess would cause weakening by discharge which resulted in William's death. 


Thursday, April 18, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: April 19, 1854 Boston, Massachusetts Jane Doe

 On April 19, 1854, a woman's body was found in the water near Battery Wharf in the North End of Boston, Massachusetts. She appeared to have drowned recently as hours before she was seen. She was walking the streets and seemed to have been acting insane. 

The woman is about 35-years-old.