Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Orren Mercer killed his Illegitimate son

Orren Mercer and his unnamed wife were both former slaves. The two would have two young children, but unfortunately, she would die. This resulted in Orren to look for love. He started to pay considerable attention to a woman named Lizzie Taylor. She was also a widower and lived in the neighboring plantation in Edgecomb County, North Carolina. The two would soon become intimate and Orren was virtually regarded by neighbors.

Lizzie would then become pregnant. This was when 45-year-old Orren stopped seeing her as often. Even though she claimed the baby was his, he claimed that it wasn't. She would then give birth to a beautiful baby boy. He denied the baby as his and she brought him to court for child support. This was when he created a solution to his problem.

On April 15, 1872, Lizzie started her day and went to work. Nellie, Lizzie's 12-year-old daughter, would stay home with her 5-month-old little brother.  Soon after her mother left she cleaned up the home and fed her younger brother. This was when Orren arrived at the home.  

When he walked in he had a coat over his head to disguise himself. This scared the young girl. This is the conversation that went between the two. He asked a series of questions. The little girl confirmed she didn't know who he was and it was just her, her brother and mother that lived there. He then asked if the baby was asleep and if he could drink water. She stated he was asleep and couldn't drink water as he was too little for that. He then asked if he could hold the baby and she said yes.

Nellie kept an eye on the man not trusting him. He then picked up the boy and stared him in the eyes. This moved his disguise and she realized the man was Orren. Orren then turned his back to the girl while still holding the baby. He then took a black vile out and fed it to the baby. He then placed the now crying baby back on the bed.

He then threatened the girl that it wouldn't be good for her if she told anyone he'd been there. He then left the two children alone. The baby was wailing and crying in agony. in a matter of moments, the baby's cheeks became blackened and his tongue stuck out and was also black. This frightened the girl and she ran to her mother for help.

On the way back to the home they came across Dr. Mercer (not related) and told him of the baby. When they arrived he examined the baby and was unable to help him. He died in the next few hours. By that time his scalp and skin had begun to fall off. It was found that he was killed with lye (caustic potash).

Soon after a warrant for Orren's arrest was done. He was then arrested and was found guilty at trial. He was supposed to hang on June 14. He had an appeal go to the Supreme Court, but he was still found guilty and sentenced to death.

He made a statement along the lines that Lizzie was constantly trying to get him to marry her. That he tried to be with other women, but she scared them off. He said that Nellie lied and did not see him kill her little brother. That he had nothing to do with the boy's death and wasn't at the home at the time. He said that the murderer was possibly a man named Redding Stanton who Orren claimed people told him that he said: "I have got him as I want him". Orren said he had no idea why Redding would have a grudge against him and convinced the young girl to lie about her brother's death.

When Orren realized he was going to be hung. He decided to try to starve himself to death first. He was unable to starve himself to death. He did become very weak before his execution. He still declared he was innocent of the crime on Jan 16, 1872.

On Jan 16. He was hung. His neck did not break and it took a few minutes for him to die. He was then decalred dead 25 minutes later.

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