Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fictional Murders: S.S. Ourang Medan

In either June of 1947 or Feb of 1948, a distress signal was coming from a ship. It seemed that the person sending out the S.O.S. was terrified and stated that people were dying among the S.S. Ourang Medan and that "possibly the whole crew dead." What followed was indecipherable morse code or was it the madness taking over the panicked messager? Eventually, silence followed.

The ship was noticed by the American ship called the Silver Star believed the ship was in the Straits of Malacca. Noting the urgency in the message they sought out the ship and found it. When getting on the ship they noticed that there was no sign of life aboard.

Everyone they saw was laying down with their mouths and eyes wide open and their hands were reaching out as if trying to grasp something or protecting themselves. There didn't seem to be any wounds on any of the people. The ship's dog was found to be dead in the same horrifying state. The crew members under the deck were also found in the same horrifying state. They found the man who sen out the S.O.S. with his finger on the telegraph.

It was also noted that the ship was cold even though it was a scorching 110 degrees outside. After finding no survivors they quickly got off. They planned to pull the ship to shore, but that wasn't meant to be. Thick smoke began to rise out of the ship and the Silver Star had hardly enough time to cut the line away from the S.S. Ourang Medan before it exploded and sunk.

What was it that killed all those men on the ship and cause the ship to explode?

It's more simple than it seems. The ship most likely never existed in the first place. There were no records of the ship existing The ship Silver Star was named that, but that wasn't the name of it at the time. At the time the name was Santa Juana and its name changed later when it was bought by Grace Line Shipping Company.

If it did exist the ship may have come from the Dutch East Indies. In Indonesian, Ourang means ‘man’ and Medan is the largest city on the island of Sumatra making some think that the ship may have come from there. The ship's name literally means "Man of Medan". Some theorize that the ship itself may have been expunged from records because they were smuggling things for the war. It could be possible that the "smoke" that the rescuers were seeing was a nerve gas that was being transported to Japan.

It was theorized that several countries were involved with the cover-up such as Singapore, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, China, and the United States. As at the time the use of Lethal Gas and Chemicals was baned.

It's also theorized that even though they weren't found in records possibly they did exist. That a malfunctioning boiler caused everyone to die from carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

A third theory is that it was pirates that killed the crew and left them the way they did. Which how would the pirates kill the crew without any physical injuries though.

Beyond Science T.V.
Mysterious Universe
Skittish Library
Historic Mysteries

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