Tuesday, July 30, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: 1924 Kent County, Delaware Doe

In 1924 skeletal remains were found on the beach in Little Creek Hundred, Delaware. There is little information in this case.

Find a Grave

Sunday, July 28, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 29, 1818 New York, New York John Doe

On July 29, 1818, an unknown man drowned in the East River in New York City, New York.

John Doe was around 35 years old.

Find a Grave

Thursday, July 25, 2024

INFANTICIDE: July 26, 1924 North Yorkshire Baby John Doe

 On July 26, 1924, the body of a newborn baby boy in a sack was found by 3 boys who were fishing in the River Ouse in North Yorkshire, England.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Murder of Martha Clark

Alice Bishop was born in 1616 not much was known about her. There are a couple of theories about her beginnings. One is that she may have come over on the Mayflower. Her parents may have been Christopher Martin and Marie Prower. Those two did not survive long enough to see the settlement of Plymouth. They died in January of 1621 which would mean she was orphaned in a new land. Another theory is that she was an indentured servant brought over in 1632. However, it's never going to be positive where her start was.

Alice was married twice. Her first marriage was to George Clark in January of 1639. She would have two daughters with him, Abagail (1641) and Martha (1644). George would also die in 1644. On December 5th Alice would marry 24-year-old Richard Bishop. The two would have a daughter, Damaris (1645). They would live in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

On July 22, 1648, Richard was away from home. Family friend 23-year-old Rachel Ramsden would drop by their home to spend time with 32-year-old Alice. At the time 4-year-old Martha was sleeping in a bed in the loft. It was a place only accessible by a ladder. Alice did not seem any different.

Alice would ask Rachel to go get some buttermilk for her from a neighbor's house. Rachel would agree to do so. Alice would give her a kettle and Rachel would leave to go get some for her. When Rachel came back to the home she saw something very alarming.

There was a puddle of blood under the loft ladder. Rachel would describe Alice as sad and dumpish. She would ask her why there was blood. Alice would only point up the ladder. Rachel climbed up the ladder and saw a horrifying sight. There was blood everywhere and even the mattress was soaked in it. It was all Martha's as she had been killed.

Rachel would flee the home and run to her parents. She would tell them of Alice's deed. Her father would then find the colonial governor and they would gather 12 men to go to the Bishop's home. Alice was in hysterics when they arrived.

The men would ascend into the loft to find Martha's body with the murder weapon next to her. She was lying on her left side. There were numerous cuts in her throat and she was stabbed in the windpipe. She was gone and there was no way to help her. It was a brutal and violent murder.

When they asked Alice why she murdered her daughter she had no idea. She stated that she did not remember doing that she had no answer for them. That she was sorry for killing her daughter.

On October 4th the trial for the murder would begin. Bradford was in attendance along with all General Assistant and a jury of twelve colony men. Alice would be found guilty of the murder and would be set to hang.

She was the fifth person hanged in the Plymouth Colony and the first woman.

We will never know why Alice Bishop killed her daughter Martha, and why she did it in such a ferocious manner. It's never stated where the other children were, but why did she only kill Martha.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 19, 1924 Norton Woods, England John Doe

On or before July 19, 1924, the body of a man was found in Norton Woods, England. He would be buried at Sheffield General Cemetary. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Murder of Ada Susans

 On July 20,1917. 38-year-old Ada Susans would be admitted to St Thomas Hospital in London, England. She was admitted as an abdominal case, but it was found that she had an illegal operation She would die from it at 11:30 that night. 

Ada Susans died from an illegal operation. It's not stated what kind, but it may have been an illegal abortion. She had died from an unknown instrument used illegally by an unknown person or persons. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 14 1950 Braidwood, Illinois John Doe

 On July 14, 1950, the body of a man was found in an abandoned strip mine pit between I-55 (Route 66 at the time) and Route 113 in Braidwood, Illinois. The area was a strip mine and farm. He had been dead around 4 to 5 weeks.

John Doe is a white man pre-50. He's 5'8" to 5'10" and 175 to 180 lbs. He had brown hair that was thinning on top. He had a tattoo on his left arm. 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 12, 1924 Covington, Kentucky Jane Doe

 On July 12, 1924, the body of a woman was found on a bluff overlooking the Ohio River in Covington, Kentucky. Her body showed she had struggled with her killer. Her clothes seemed to have also torn due to the struggle. She was then shot twice in the right side of her head. There was no evidence that she was killed there and may have been killed elsewhere and dumped there. It was believed she died around a week before. 

It's possible that she was killed in Cincinnati, Ohio and her body was dumped where it was found. 

Jane Doe was a woman between 30 and 40 years old. She was 5'6". She had long dark hair with a curl to it. She was wearing a tan whipcord dress made of good material, an orange blossom gold wedding ring of late design, earrings, a long black string of beads, and a cheap ring. She was wearing no shoes

Find a Grave

Monday, July 8, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 9, 1924 Cowlitz County, Washington John Doe

July 9, 1924, the remains of a man were found on Walker Island in the Columbia River in Cowlitz County, Washington by a fisherman. It was believed that he likely drowned around a year before.

Find a Grave
The News Tribune July 9, 1924

Sunday, July 7, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 8, 1957 Houston Texas E.J.C. Doe

On July 8, 1957, the body of a man was found in Buffalo Bayou in Houston, Texas. He was found face floating face down on the south bank and had been dead for around 3 days.

John Doe is a white male between 25 to 40 years old. He was 5'6' and 142 lbs. He had brown to black hair. He was wearing a green and brown striped long-sleeve shirt with a pocket on the left upper chest, khaki pants, a pair of white cotton socks, 9A brown shoes with a strap and buckle, a brown woven, cowboy-type belt buckle, and two combs in his pocket. He was wearing dentures that contained a serial number and the notation of "EJC 810-56". EJC is possibly a set of initials, while the numbers indicate the date of August 10, 1956

Doe Network

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Uyan and Dina


Photo by Vera Salnitskaya/Siberian Times

In the summer of 2015, the mummified remains of two lion cubs were found in the Edoma permafrost deposits in Yakutia, Russia in the Uyandina River. The two cubs were named Uyan and Dina after the river.

The cubs were well preserved they still had their soft tissue, fur, ears, and whiskers intact. Uyan was better preserved than Dina.  It was found that the two were cave lions spelaea (Goldfuss). The two lived and died Middle and Late Pleistocene period on the Eurasian continent between 370,000 and 10,000 years ago and were at least 25,000 to 55,000 years old. This species went extinct around 10,000 BC.

They were fairly young as their eyes were still not open and their baby teeth were still not coming in. It was assumed that they were 1 or 2 weeks old, but after looking in their stomach contents it was believed that they were closer to one or two days old. (some sources state that it was estimated that they were  1 or 2 months old but actually 1 to 2 weeks old). There was no milk in their stomach, but there was sediment combined with them having a crushed look to them it was believed that the den they were in collapsed and killed them. It's unknown what happened to the mother or why she did not feed them after their birth. She may have died before doing so or maybe for some other reason was unable to feed her cubs. 

Even though the two were greatly preserved we are still unable to tell what an adult version of the cubs would have been. It's possible that the adult version would not look similar to the cub version of the animal. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED: July 5, 1949 St. Charles County, Missouri Jane Doe

 On July 5, 1949, the body of a woman was found 1/4 mile north of St. Charles, Missouri in the Missouri River. There is little information in this case. 

Jane Doe was around 50-years-old.